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    2025年03月06日 09:56   

姓 名:邵远志

职 称:教授






1990.9-1994.7 甘肃农业大学植物保护专业,农学学士。1994.71996.7 新疆塔里木大学农学系工作;1996.71998.7 海南省农科院植保所农药开发部工作;1998.72001.9 深圳农业科技开发有限公司工作;2001.92003.9 海南省农业学校工作;2003.9~至今 3003必赢官网工作。











6、国家自然科学基金项目,两株生防酵母菌对Colletotrichumgloeosporioides 的抑菌机理研究,2017.01-2020.1240万元(主持)
















1.Yu Wang,Wenjun Jia,Xin Wang,Muhammad MuzammalAslam,Wen Li*,Yuanzhi Shao* Tea polyphenols coating improves physiological properties, microstructure and chemical composition of cuticle to suppress quality deterioration of passion fruit during cold storage . Food Chemistry 463 (2025) 141524

2.Yu Wang, Muhammad MuzammalAslam, Xin Wang, Hui Gu , Wenjunjia , Wen Li*, Yuanzhi Shao* Aloe vera and tea polyphenols composite coating delayspassion fruit senescence by promoting phenolic and ffavonoid accumulation. Food Research International 2024:114594 3.Zhen Li , Yu Wang , Rui Li , Yuxin Hu , Xin Wang , Wen Li *, Yuanzhi Shao* Co-culture fermentation of Debaryomyceshansenii and Bacillus atrophaeus alleviates quality deterioration of litchi fruit by ameliorating microbial community diversity and composition. Food Microbiology 127 (2025) 104683

4.Xiaomin Niu,Yuxin Hu, Xin Wang, Rui Li, Wen Li*, Yuanzhi Shao*  Glycine betaine and MiWRKY53 enhance antioxidant capacity and disease resistance against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in mango fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology 224 (2025) 113464

5.Nan Wang,Yu Wang, Xin Wang , Muhammad Muzammal Aslam ,Wen Li*, Yuanzhi Shao* Identification of xylanase (CpXYN1) gene and its role in promoting pulp softening during papaya fruit storage. Scientia Horticulturae 342 (2025) 114037

6.Yuxin Hu#, Bo Zhao#, Xin Wang, Wenjunjia, Muhammad MuzammalAslam, Wen Li*, Yuanzhi Shao* Optimization of cultivation system for Bacillus Siamese strain and its biocontrol effect on postharvest Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Postharvest Biology and Technology 2024 218:113170

7.Yuwei Nian#,Muhammad MuzammalAslam#, Xin Wang, Hui Gu,Wen Li*,Yuanzhi Shao* The CpCOR1 gene enhances cold tolerance and antioxidant activity of papaya fruit in response to postharvest chilling stress. Postharvest Biology and Technology 2024 218:113154

8.Muhammad MuzammalAsla#, Yu Wang#, Xin Wang, Wen Li*,Yuanzhi Shao* The MiTGA1 stimulates MiPR1 expression and H2O2 production to enhancemango disease resistance in response to Bacillus siamensis treatment. Biological Control  2024197:105602

9.Muhammad MuzammalAslam#, Mingrui Kou#, Yaqi Dou , Shicheng Zou , Rui Li , Wen Li* and Yuanzhi Shao* The Transcription Factor MiMYB8 Suppresses Peel Coloration in Postharvest ‘Guifei’ Mango in Response to High Concentration of Exogenous Ethylene by Negatively Modulating MiPAL1. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2024 25(9):4841

10.Zhen Li , Jiayi Li , Muhammad MuzammalAslam , Shicheng Zou , Rui Li , Wen Li*, Yuanzhi Shao* Evalution of co-culture system on Debaryomyceshansenii and Bacillusatrophaeus strains and its efficacy on disease control and quality maintenance of postharvest fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology 2024 212:112914

11.Xin Wang#, Shicheng Zou#, Nanpu Cheng, Wenjun Jia , Wen Li*, Yuanzhi Shao* Enhancement of antioxidant quality by Bacillus siamensis N-1 and the role ofLcPOD4 in regulating peel browning and senescence of litchi fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology 2024 209:112701

12.Xin Wang#, Muhammad MuzammalAslam# , Nanpu Cheng , Wenjun Jia , Rui Li , Wen Li*, Yuanzhi Shao* LcVHA2 and LcVHA3 positively modulate energy metabolism and reduce pericarp browning in litchi fruit after application of Bacillus siamensis. Biological Control 2024 188:105430

13.Hao Li#,Wenjun Jia#,Rui Li ,Bo Zhao, Wen Li*,Yuanzhi Shao* The combined application of Debaryomyceshansenii and Bacillus atrophaeusinhibits disease development and enhances postharvest quality in litchifruit by activating flavonoid metabolism. Biological Control 2023 187:105357

14.Lirong Wang#,Rui Li#,Xiaojing Shi,Ling Wei,Wen Li*,Yuanzhi Shao* Ripening patterns (off-tree and on-tree) affect physiology, quality, and ascorbic acid metabolism of mango fruit (cv. Guifei). ScientiaHorticulturae 2023 315:111971

15.Rui Li ,Ying Wang ,Wen Li*,and Yuanzhi Shao* Comparative Analyses of Ripening, Texture Properties and Cell Wall Composition in Three Tropical Fruits Treated with 1-Methylcyclopropene during Cold Storage. Horticulturae 2023 9(2):126

16.Rui Li,Jiheng Ma,Hui Gu,Wenjun Jia,Yuanzhi Shao*,WenLi* 1-MCP counteracts ethylene promotion of fruit softening and roles of MiERF2/8 and MiPG in postharvest mangoes.Frontiers in Plant Science 2022.971050

17.Nan Wang, Yuwei Nian, Rui Li, Yuanzhi Shao*,and Wen Li* Transcription Factor CpbHLH3 and CpXYN1 Gene Cooperatively Regulate Fruit Texture and Counteract 1Methylcyclopropene Inhibition of Softening in Postharvest Papaya (Carica papaya L.). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2022 70(32):9919-9930

18.Yue Tang, Rui Li, Zecheng Jiang, Ziyu Cheng, Wen Li*,Yuanzhi Shao* Combined effect of Debaryomyceshansenii and Bacillus atrophaeus on the physicochemical attributes, defense-related enzyme activity, and transcriptomic profile of stored litchi fruit. Biological Control  2022 172:104975

19. Zecheng Jiang, Rui Li,Yue Tang, Ziyu Cheng, Minjie Qian,Wen Li* and Yuanzhi Shao*. Transcriptome Analysis Reveals the Inducing Effectof Bacillussia mensison Disease Resistancein Postharvest Mango Fruit. Foods 2022,11,107.

20.Ziyu Cheng ,Rui Li , Zecheng Jiang ,Yue Tang ,Wen Li*and Yuanzhi Shao* Combined effect of Bacillus siamensis and chlorogenic acid on maintenance of qualitycontrol of disease in stored wax apple fruit. Food quality and safety 2022, 6, 1-12

21.YuweiNian, Nan Wang, Rui Li, Yuanzhi Shao*,Wen Li* Cold shock treatment alleviates chilling injury in papaya fruit during storage by improving antioxidant capacity and related gene expression. ScientiaHorticulturae 2022 294:110784

22.Wenjing You, ChunhuiGe, Zecheng Jiang, Mingmin Chen, Wen Li, Yuanzhi Shao* Screening of a broad-spectrum antagonist-Bacillus siamensis, and its possible mechanisms to control postharvest disease in tropical fruits. Biological Control 2021 157:104584

23.Chunhui Ge, Wenjing You , Rui Li , Wen Li , Yuanzhi Shao* Construction of the PGdeficient mutant of Fusariumequiseti by CRISPR/Cas9 and its pathogenicity of pitaya. Journal of Basic Microbiology 2021 61(8):686-696

24.Minmin Jing,BingyuHuang,Wen Li*JiaokeZengYuanzhi Shao* Biocontrol of Cladosporiumcladosporioides of mango fruitwith Bacillus atrophaeus TE7 and efects on storage quality.Current Microbiology 2021 78(2):765-774

25.Shaoyuanzhi, Jiang zitao, Zengjiaoke, Li wen*, Dong yu.Effect of ethanol fumigation on pericarp browning associated with phenol metabolism, storage quality, and antioxidant systems of wampee fruit during cold storageFood Science & Nutrition 2020 8(7):3380-3388

26.JiaokeZeng,Zi-taoJiang,Wen Li, Yuanzhi Shao* Effects of UV-C irradiation on postharvest quality and antioxidant properties of wampee fruit (Clausenalansium (Lour.) Skeels) during cold storage.Fruits 2020 75(1):36-43


1. 一种生防暹罗芽孢杆菌及其代谢产物和用途 专利号:ZL 2024 1 1283154.6

2. 一种生防酵母菌和生防芽孢杆菌的共培养方法及共代谢产物和用途 专利号:ZL 2024 1 0242808.4

3. 一株仙人掌有孢汉逊酵母菌株及其分离方法和应用 专利号:ZL 2019 1 0651581.8

4. 一种贮藏和催熟香蕉的方法 专利号:ZL 2013 1 0489083.0





E-mail: hdsmkx@hainanu.edu.cn(综合办、人才引进);skyjw@hainanu.edu.cn(本科教务);skyyjs@hainanu.edu.cn(研究生管理)