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    2021年08月10日 17:12   


1. 科研论文

以第一作者或共同第一作者身份在国际干细胞期刊Stem Cell Reports上发表论文两篇

1Xiao F*, Liao B, Hu J, Li S, Zhao H, Sun M, Gu J, Jin Y. JMJD1C Ensures Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Self-Renewal and Somatic Cell Reprogramming through Controlling MicroRNA Expression. Stem Cell Reports. 2017 09 12; 9(3):927-942. PMID: 28826851.

2Li S*, Xiao F*, Zhang J, Sun X, Wang H, Zeng Y, Hu J, Tang F, Gu J, Zhao Y, Jin Y, Liao B. Disruption of OCT4 Ubiquitination Increases OCT4 Protein Stability and ASH2L-B-Mediated H3K4 Methylation Promoting Pluripotency Acquisition. Stem Cell Reports. 2018 10 09; 11(4):973-987. PMID: 30269953. (* Co-first author)

2. 科研基金

2020-2021美国心脏协会博士后基金(American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship)


E-mail: hdsmkx@hainanu.edu.cn(综合办、人才引进);skyjw@hainanu.edu.cn(本科教务);skyyjs@hainanu.edu.cn(研究生管理)