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    2024年02月27日 16:34   


           姓 名:李雪

           职 称:讲师







2019.09 – 2022.06   南开大学      环境科学专业 理学博士

2015.09 – 2018.06  海南大学      环境工程专业 工学硕士

2011.09 – 2015.06  东华理工大学  应用化学专业 理学学士


2023.01 至今 3003必赢官网 必赢线路检测3003 讲师

2022.09 – 2023.12   南开大学      环境科学专业   博士后

2018.07 – 2019.06    南开大学环境科学与工程学院 科研助理









1. Xue Li, Jiwei Luo*, Hui Zeng, Xing Yang, Xuan Hou, Xueqiang Lu*. Preferential adsorption of medium molecular weight proteins in extracellular polymeric substance alleviates toxicity of small-sized microplastics to Skeletonema costatum.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 135034. (中科院一区TOPIF = 12.2)

2. Jiatong Li, Xue Li, Jiwei Luo, et al. Effects of polypropylene films and leached dissolved organic matters on bacterial community structure in mangrove sediments. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 939, 173516. (中科院一区TOPIF = 10.745)

3. Xue Li, Jiwei Luo, Chenglong Han, Xueqiang Lu. Nanoplastics enhance the intestinal damage and genotoxicity of sulfamethoxazole to medaka juveniles (Oryzias melastigma) in coastal environment. Science of the Total Environment. 2023, 894, 164963 (中国科学院一区TOPIF = 10.745)

4. Xue Li, Jiwei Luo, Hui Zeng, Lin Zhu, Xueqiang Lu*. Microplastics decrease the toxicity of sulfamethoxazole to marine algae (skeletonema costatum) at the cellular and molecular levels. Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 824, 153855 (中国科学院一区TOPIF = 10.745)

5. Xue Li, Xiaoxin Han, Rolf D. Vogt, Jiaying Zhou, Boyang Zheng, Yan Zhang, Jianbo Tu, Yutong Song, Xueqiang Lu*. Polyethylene terephthalate and di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in surface and core sediments of Bohai Bay, China: Occurrence and ecological risk. Chemosphere, 2022, 286: 131904. (中国科学院二区TOPIF =7.086)

6. Xue Li, Xiaoxin Han, Rolf D. Vogt, Jiaying Zhou, Boyang Zheng, Yutong Song, Xueqiang Lu. Distributions, temporal trends and ecological risks of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) in sediments of Jiaozhou Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2021, 165: 112176. (中国科学院二区TOPIF =5.553)

7. Xue Li, Jiwei Luo, Hui Deng, Peng Huang, Chengjun Ge, Huamei Yu*, Wen Xu*. Effect of cassava waste biochar on sorption and release behavior of atrazine in soil. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 644: 1617-1624 (中国科学院一区TOPIF = 10.745)

8. 李雪, 李佳桐, 孙宏飞*, 俞华美, 葛成军. 琼北农田土壤重金属水平及潜在生态风险. 农业环境科学学报, 2017, 36(11): 2248-2256. (中文核心)


9. Jiwei Luo, Xue Li, Chengjun Ge, Karin Müller, Huamei Yu*, Peng Huang, Jiatong Li, Daniel C.W. Tsang, Nanthi S. Bolan, Jörg Rinklebe, Hailong Wang. Sorption of norfloxacin, sulfamerazine and oxytetracyline onto KOH-modified biochar under single and ternary systems. Bioresource Technology. 2018. 263, 385-392. (中国科学院一区TOPIF = 9.642)

10. Jiwei Luo, Xue Li, Chengjun Ge*, Karin Müller, Huamei Yu, Hui Deng, Sabry M. Shaheen, Daniel C.W. Tsang, Nanthi S. Bolan, Jörg Rinklebe, Yong Sik Ok, Bin Gao, Hailong Wang. Preparation of ammonium-modified cassava waste-derived biochar and its evaluation for synergistic adsorption of ternary antibiotics from aqueous solution. Journal of Environmental Management. 2021, 298, 113530. (中国科学院二区TOPIF = 6.789)

11. 李佳桐, 李雪, 葛成军, 俞华美, 孙宏飞*, 陈淼. 琼北土壤重金属高背景值区人群健康风险评价. 热带作物学报, 2018, 39(1): 189-196. (中文核心)


1. 罗吉伟,葛成军,李雪,黄鹏,李佳桐. 一种提高生物炭去除水中诺氟沙星吸附性能的超低温改性方法. (发明专利,专利号:ZL201810161679.0)

2. 李雪,卢学强,李佳桐,罗吉伟. 一种模拟潮间带土壤涨退交替环境的室内共培养装置. (实用新型专利,专利号:ZL202321553822.3)

E-mail: hdsmkx@hainanu.edu.cn(综合办、人才引进);skyjw@hainanu.edu.cn(本科教务);skyyjs@hainanu.edu.cn(研究生管理)