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    2019年08月30日 11:09   


姓 名:周海龙

职 称:教授







兼任热带生物学报编委、海南省生物工程协会理事、海南省卫生有害生物防制协会理事、中国太平洋学会珊瑚礁分会高级会员,国家自然科学基金项目函审专家,《Chemosphere》、《Aquatic toxicology》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Science of the Total Environment》等期刊审稿人。




  1. 基于蛋白质组学的珊瑚-虫黄藻共生体应答苯并芘(BaP)胁迫的毒理效应及其关键功能蛋白研究,主持,国家自然科学基金,2019-01--2022-12

  2. 凡纳滨对虾低氧胁迫生理响应及比较蛋白组学研究,主持,海南省自然科学基金,2016-01--2017-12

  3. 典型POPs对翡翠贻贝胚胎毒性作用基因表达谱的构建及毒理基因克隆分析,主持,国家自然科学基金,2012-01--2015-12

  4. 基于转录组学的凡纳滨对虾抗低氧分子机制研究,主持,博士后面上基金一等,2013-01--2014-12

  5. 海口湾典型持久性有机污染物分布迁移规律及其生态毒理效应研究,主持,教育部博士点新教师基金,2012-01—2014-12




  1. Rong Xiao, Xiaoyun Mi, Jiahui Sun, Mingyang Ding, Chuanfeng Li, Jie Zhu, Guangqing Liu, Wenge Ma, Hailong Zhou*, Zongyan Chen. Interaction between Translocation-associated membrane protein 1 and σC protein of novel duck reovirus controls virus infectivity. Virus Genes (2020) 56:347–353.

  2. Yingai Zhang, Shunlan Wang, Chan Wang, Jingchuan Xiao, Shufang Zhang and Hailong Zhou*. High expression of FAM13A was associated with increasing the liver cirrhosis risk. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine  2019, 7(3): e543.

  3. Yingai Zhang, Shunlan Wang, Jingchuan Xiao and Hailong Zhou*. Bioinformatics analysis to identify the key genes affecting the progression and prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Bioscience Reports  2019, 39(2): BSR20181845. 2

  4. Hao Chen, Xiaoping Diao, Haihua Wang and Hailong Zhou*. An integrated metabolomic and proteomic study of toxic effects of Benzo a pyrene on gills of the pearl oyster Pinctada martensii. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety  2018, 156: 330-336.

  5. Hao Chen, Xiaoping Diao and Hailong Zhou*. Tissue-specific metabolic responses of the pearl oyster Pinctada martensii exposed to benzo[a]pyrene. Marine Pollution Bulletin  2018, 131, Part A: 17-21.

  6. Liguo Qiu, Xiang Shi, Simeng Yu, Qian Han, Xiaoping Diao and Hailong Zhou*. Changes of Ammonia-Metabolizing Enzyme Activity and Gene Expression of Two Strains in Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei Under Ammonia Stress. Frontiers in Physiology  2018, 9.(*通讯作者)

  7. Rong Xiao, Hailong Zhou*, Chien-Min Chen, Huamin Cheng, Hongwu Li, Jia Xie, Hongwei Zhao, Qian Han and Xiaoping Diao. Transcriptional responses of Acropora hyacinthus embryo under the benzo(a)pyrene stress by deep sequencing. Chemosphere  2018, 206: 387-397.(*通讯作者)

  8. Hailong Zhou, Nan Xiang, Jia Xie and Xiaoping Diao (2018). Ecotoxicology: The History and Present Direction☆. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier.

  9. Xiu Jiang, Tianle Tang, Hongwei Zhao, Qinqin Song, Hailong Zhou*, Qian Han and Xiaoping Diao. Differential gene responses in the embryo of the green mussel Perna viridis exposed to dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). Toxicology Research  2017, 6(4): 477-486.(*通讯作者)

  10. Qinqin Song, Hailong Zhou*, Qian Han and Xiaoping Diao. Toxic responses of Perna viridis hepatopancreas exposed to DDT, benzo(a) pyrene and their mixture uncovered by iTRAQ-based proteomics and NMR-based metabolomics. Aquatic Toxicology  2017, 192: 48-57.(*通讯作者)

  11. Xie, Jia, Chunfeng Zhao, Qian Han, Hailong Zhou*, Qingxiao Li and Xiaoping Diao. Effects of pyrene exposure on immune response and oxidative stress in the pearl oyster, Pinctada martensii. Fish & Shellfish Immunology  2017, 63: 237-244.(*通讯作者)

  12. Jiang, Xiu, Liguo Qiu, Hongwei Zhao, Qinqin Song, Hailong Zhou*, Qian Han and Xiaoping Diao. Transcriptomic responses of Perna viridis embryo to Benzo(a)pyrene exposure elucidated by RNA sequencing. Chemosphere  2016, 163: 125-132.(*通讯作者)

  13. Li, Yuhu, Hui Liu, Hailong Zhou*, Wandong Ma, Qian Han, Xiaoping Diao and Qinzhao Xue. Concentration distribution and potential health risk of heavy metals in Mactra veneriformis from Bohai Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin  2015, 97(1-2): 528-534.(*通讯作者)

  14. Li, Yuhu, Lin Wei, Jiangrong Cao, Liguo Qiu, Xiu Jiang, Ping Li, Qinqin Song, Hailong Zhou*, Qian Han and Xiaoping Diao. Oxidative stress, DNA damage and antioxidant enzyme activities in the pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannarnei) when exposed to hypoxia and reoxygenation. Chemosphere  2016, 144: 234-240. (*通讯作者)

  15. Qiu, Liguo, Qinqin Song, Xiu Jiang, Hongwei Zhao, Hao Chen, Hailong Zhou*, Qian Han and Xiaoping Diao. Comparative gonad protein and metabolite responses to a binary mixture of 2,4 '-DDT and benzo(a)pyrene in the female green mussel Perna viridis. Metabolomics  2016, 12(8). (*通讯作者)

  16. Song, Qinqin, Hao Chen, Yuhu Li, Hailong Zhou*, Qian Han and Xiaoping Diao. Toxicological effects of benzo(a)pyrene, DDT and their mixture on the green mussel Perna viridis revealed by proteomic and metabolomic approaches. Chemosphere  2016, 144: 214-224. (*通讯作者)

  17. Song, Qinqin, Pengfei Zheng, Liguo Qiu, Xiu Jiang, Hongwei Zhao, Hailong Zhou*, Qian Han and Xiaoping Diao. Toxic effects of male Perna viridis gonad exposed to BaP, DDT and their mixture: A metabolomic and proteomic study of the underlying mechanism. Toxicology Letters  2016, 240(1): 185-195.(*通讯作者)

  18. Wei, Lin, Yuhu Li, Liguo Qiu, Hailong Zhou*, Qian Han and Xiaoping Diao. Comparative studies of hemolymph physiology response and HIF-1 expression in different strains of Litopenaeus vannamei under acute hypoxia. Chemosphere  2016, 153: 198-204. (*通讯作者)

  19. Hailong Zhou , Ying Qu, Huifeng Wu, Chunyang Liao, Jiping Zheng, Xiaoping Diao and Qinzhao Xue. Molecular phylogenies and evolutionary behavior of AhR (aryl hydrocarbon receptor) pathway genes in aquatic animals: Implications for the toxicology mechanism of some persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Chemosphere  2010, 78(2): 193-205. (JCR二区,Top 期刊)

  20. Hailong Zhou, Huifeng Wu, Chunyang Liao, Xiaoping Diao, Jiping Zhen, Linlin Chen and Qinzhao Xue. Toxicology mechanism of the persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in fish through AhR pathway. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods  2010, 20(6): 279-286.





E-mail: hdsmkx@hainanu.edu.cn(综合办、人才引进);skyjw@hainanu.edu.cn(本科教务);skyyjs@hainanu.edu.cn(研究生管理)